Rickmansworth Players Choir and 'In Good Company' join forces to present to you the Summer Friends 'Midsummer Melodies' Concert 2024.
Set in the beautiful acoustics of Christ Church Chorleywood, the concert will bring to you two accomplished choirs sharing their wonderful repertoire.
t will be a really special evening, with a wonderful repertoire, including "Africa", "We're Your Friends", Skyfall", "Our Time", Masquerade", and "What's The Buzz?".
Tickets: Adults £12; Senior Citizens £10; U18s £6.
Refreshments included in Ticket Price.
Tickets available at: www.midsummermelodies.co.uk
We are also thrilled to be supporting the Pumphouse Theatre 'Raise the Roof' campaign charity at the concert, which will help renovate the theatre, providing additional seating, rehearsal space, larger dressing rooms and disabled access to the backstage area making the theatre more accessible to all performers. It is an important space in the community so please give what you can!
Raise the Roof Pump House
To find out more or get involved, please
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Production & Rehearsal Photographs by Cat Humphries
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